Wide Fitting
wide fitting shoes
What are wide fitting shoes?
Wide fitting shoes are designed to have a larger amount of space available for the foot compared to a normal shoe that is most likely designed to be fashion first rather than comfort first.
The shoe typically has deeper and wider sections to accommodate for toes and around the instep. This gives the wearer a more comfortable and supportive experience. Plus allows for extra wiggle room around their toes and/or heels incase they suffer from Diabetes and have blood circulation issues for example.
Why are wide fitting shoes so important?
Man or woman, the correct fitting shoes are extremely important to prevent things such as blisters or tears. Man or woman, the correct fitting shoes are extremely important to prevent things such as blisters or tears.
For those with swollen or wide feet, finding the right pair of shoes can be difficult, plus ensuring they're stylish and within your budget can make it even harder. That is why Paul Carroll has curated a fine range of wide and extra wide footwear options for those with broad or swollen feet.
Stop wearing tight or ill-fitting shoes and avoid future pain and regret.
Invest in your shoes now and you'll thank yourself later!